FlashFXP - Download

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FlashFXP is a powerful and easy to use FTP client for windows. With a familiar Explorer-like interface that even the most novice user can master in minutes. In addition to FTP, FlashFXP provides additional security with SFTP (Secure Shell or SSH), FTPS (Secure Socket Layer (SSL) over FTP) and seamless one time password support. FlashFXP offers many unique features you wont find anywhere else, such as, multi-firewall and proxy support, speed limiting, server file searching, remote editing with automatic (or manual) uploading, automated transfer scheduling with email notifications, priority transfer lists, extensive file transfer rules, user customizable interface, and more.

Ranking     :
(4  )
Publisher    : Windows Date added: 20/9/2009
Downloads: 5.257 View   : 5.696 
Capacity   : 3.25 MB Uses           : Free to try (30-day trial); $29.95 to buy (Buy it now)

Limit    : free Update       : 09:01 24/06/2011
Request     : Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003 Server/7