Ares Destiny - Download

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Ares is a p2p program giving users access to the Ares & BitTorrent networks which allows users to download Ares files for free. Ares is mainly used to download music and videos and with the free Ares download, you can fill your itunes and ipod for free

A quick-search feature locates your files by typing in the keyword of the file you are searching for. Ares allows you to preview files while their download is in progress and organize a playlist made of your favorite files. The Ares download player supports internet radio as well, so if you want to listen to your favorite internet radio station while downloading your favorite tunes, it's very simple. You can host your chat room and join other available channels.
Your shared files are organized into specific categories in the library section of the Ares download software, making it easier for you to find the files you are looking for. You can sort your files by type, category and easily change your shared settings via the Ares control panel. Ares has a handy quick-search feature that locates your files by simply typing in a keyword.

Ranking     :
(4  )
Publisher    : Windows Date added: 20/9/2009
Downloads: 5.257 View   : 5.696 
Capacity    MB Uses           :  
Limit    : free Update       : 09:01 24/06/2011
Request     : Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/NT