Free Address Book - Download

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Address books are a dime a dozen these days, so to stand out, a program had better knock our socks off. Free Address Book performs its duties as promised; however, we found its awkward navigation a big turn-off.
The program had a seemingly user-friendly interface. The design was very clean and professional-looking, with straightforward commands. But upon closer inspection, we found the program awkward to navigate. When we first launched Free Address Book, the window ran off our screen, so we tried to adjust it. Instead of resizing itself with the window, the page content ran off the page and required scrolling to get where we needed to go, which was a pain. Plus, when we clicked on the Tools option, we couldn't figure out how to get to the main screen. We finally found a close option by scrolling over to the far corner of the window. Clicking on the New command introduced a Contact Editor pop-up window. We found a few of the editor's entry fields a bit vague (we weren't sure what to enter as the "Identifier"). A Help file in the form of a link to a sparse FAQ page didn't do much to answer our specific questions or to describe the program's features. Once we entered our contact's info and clicked Save, our new contact appeared on the main page. The program does let you easily upload a picture for each of your contacts. It also includes tools for importing and exporting your contact info as CSV files, which worked perfectly when we put it to the test.
Free Address Book leaves a folder behind after removal. It works, but we recommend that you look for an address book program with better navigation.

Ranking     :
(4  )
Publisher    : Windows Date added: 20/9/2009
Downloads: 5.257 View   : 5.696 
Capacity   : 1.1 MB Uses           :  
Limit    : free Update       : 09:01 24/06/2011
Request     : Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003 Server/7